Halloween Safety Tips
Whether or not you have young children, there are certain precautions you should take on Halloween night. The dark lighting and busy streets can make it difficult for motorists to see trick-or-treaters. Practice these Halloween safety tips to ensure the safety of your child and others.
Safety-Proof Your Child’s Costume
Ensure your child’s costume will not become a hazard. Avoid full face masks, as they obstruct vision and seeing oncoming vehicles difficult. Consider using non-toxic makeup to keep their vision clear. Give your child glowsticks and fix reflective tape to their clothing to make them more visible to motorists, especially if their costume is darkly colored.
Prepare Your Home for Trick-or-Treaters
Your home should be well-prepared for trick-or-treaters before Halloween begins. Remove objects from your lawn and driveway that could cause someone to trip and result in injury. Keep your front yard and porch steps well-lit to prevent an accident. If you have a pet that might jump on or bite trick-or-treaters, keep it inside and restrain it from reaching the front door.
Practice Caution When Walking
Whether you are going trick-or-treating with your child or allowing them to go alone, obeying traffic signals is especially important on Halloween. Cross the street only on designated crosswalks and be sure your child knows to pay attention to “Walk / Don’t Walk” signs. Teach your child to make eye contact with a driver before crossing in front of their vehicle. Just because one vehicle stops for a pedestrian does not mean that others will.
Drive Slowly and Attentively
According to the US Census Bureau, over 40 million trick-or-treaters are aged 5-14. This means you should drive extremely cautious on Halloween, as many young children will be walking in the street. Enter and exit driveways very slowly and do not use your phone or engage in any other distraction while driving. New or inexperienced drivers should avoid driving on Halloween night altogether.
If you or a loved one has been involved in an accident that resulted in personal injury, contact Rob Levine & Associates. We work on Personal Injury cases throughout Rhode Island, Massachusetts, and Connecticut. Call us today for a free consultation.