Common Diagnosis

Can I apply for SSDI after a cervical arthroplasty?

Cervical arthroplasty is one of several treatment options for those experiencing chronic spinal cord conditions, such as cervical disc degeneration. A person who suffers from a debilitating, medically determinable impairment may qualify for Social Security disability benefits

The Social Security …

What You Need to Know About SSDI and Degenerative Disc Disease

Degenerative disc disease is a painful and potentially debilitating condition of the spine. Social Security disability benefits may be available to those who are unable to work because of the symptoms associated with the condition.

Social Security Disability Insurance (SSDI) …

Personal Injury vs. Colossus

As a personal injury law firm, the most important aspect is getting the most value for our client’s case. Valuing a case can be difficult because there are so many varying factors and every case is different. There are …

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