Rob Levine and Associates Blog

The Bionic Pancreas May Help Patients with Diabetes

If you or a loved one has been diagnosed with type 1 diabetes, you understand how much the disease can affect your life. Constant finger-stick testing to manage blood glucose levels, insulin injections and the constant concern that blood …

7 Reasons You Should Buckle Up

Most people know that buckling their seatbelt is an important step to stay safe if in a traffic accident. Below are seven reasons you should buckle up every time you get in your vehicle – and to make sure …

Return to Work While Receiving Disability: Learn How

The Social Security Administration (SSA) has established programs to allow and assist individuals collecting Supplemental Security Income (SSI) or Social Security Disability Insurance (SSDI) to return to work.

The SSA provides extended cash benefits while an injured person slowly returns …

Lowering Fatal Car Accidents in the US

Efforts are constantly being made to decrease the amount of fatal car accidents on roads throughout the United States. Early data conducted by the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration (NHTSA) estimates that 6,800 people were killed in car crashes …

Laws for Driving Through School Zones

The National Highway Traffic Safety Administration reported that in 2011, there were a total of 4,743 pedestrian deaths. Of these, five percent, or 255, involved children under the age of 14. In order to keep children safe, following the …

Tips for Managing Your Child’s Diabetes

Diabetes can be an overwhelming disease for many adults. When children are diagnosed with diabetes, it can be overwhelming for the child and the parents.  Managing your child’s diabetes may seem like a daunting task. There are dietary restrictions, …

Best and Worst Time to Drive in Massachusetts

Commuting to or within metropolitan areas can be a daunting task no matter where you live. In fact, the topic of when and how it is easiest to make any particular commute is such a common concern that the …

SSDI vs. SSI – Know How to Tell the Difference

The Social Security Administration (SSA) administers two programs established to assist disabled individuals financially who are unable to earn wages sufficient to support themselves and/or their families. The two programs are Supplemental Security Income (SSI) and Social Security Disability …

Tips for Managing Diabetes

Many people feel overwhelmed after being diagnosed with diabetes. Keeping a positive attitude and a watchful, yet flexible, approach to your health care are tools that will allow you to live a happy and fulfilling life while managing your …

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