bike accident

Bike and Pedestrian Safety- Avoiding a Bicycle Accident

Bicycle accidents happen more than you think. In 2017 alone there were over 780 fatal bicycle accidents, many from vehicles hitting bikers while driving. With the nice weather approaching, there are more drivers, bicyclists, and pedestrians on the road. …

Springtime Safety: Motorcycle Accidents

According to the National Highway Traffic Administration, fatalities occur 27 times more frequently on motorcycles than in other vehicles. Motorcyclists have an increased risk on the road due to their size. Motorcycle accidents can lead to much more injury …

Springtime Safety: How to Prevent a Bike Accident

Springtime is in the air in New England and many people are beginning to ride their bicycles again. When sharing the road, as a bicyclist or a driver, it is important to be aware of your surroundings and take …


The Center for Disease Control and Prevention states that bicyclists face a higher risk of crash-related injury and deaths than occupants of motor vehicles.  With the risk of bike accidents so high, you can expect to get into a …

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