disability lawyer

Top 10 Disabilities Approved for SSDI

There are hundreds of disabilities that qualify a person for Social Security Disability Insurance (SSDI). Knowing which disabilities qualify is the first step in applying for Social Security disability benefits.

Musculoskeletal System & Connective Tissue Disorders

The musculoskeletal system includes bones, …

Social Security Disability: The Claims Process

The process of applying for social security disability (SSD) benefits is long and tedious. Before beginning the social security disability application, make sure you understand the process.

Initial Claim Application

The initial claim application is filed at the Social Security office. …

Mental Health & Social Security Disability Benefits

the last decade, there has been more research and information about the effects
of mental health conditions. Although a stigma still exists surrounding mental
illness, there have been great strides made in humanizing these conditions. If
you have a mental health condition …

Do I Qualify for SSDI?

The Social Security Administration offers a disability program to those who have paid into Social Security and are unable to work due to a medical condition – Social Security Disability Insurance. However, there are certain requirements that must be …

Do I qualify for Disability Benefits?

A Guide On Disability Benefits from Rob Levine & Associates
Have you or a loved one become disabled to where it is nearly impossible to work? If so, you may be eligible to receive social security disability benefits. These benefits …

Veterans and National Disability Employment Awareness Month 2015

President Obama recently reminded the nation about equality and justice for those with disabilities in his proclamation. October is National Disability Employment Month. While many in the nation strive to rebound from the recession, it can be especially difficult …

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