drunk driving

Alcohol Awareness Month

April, the National Council on Alcoholism and Drug Dependence observes Alcohol
Awareness Month. The purpose is to help communities understand what causes
alcohol abuse, provide solutions for those who are suffering from addiction,
and end the stigma of alcoholism.

common is alcohol …

Rob Levine Halloween Safety Tips- Avoid the Tricks this Season

Rob Levine Halloween Safety tips- Avoid the Tricks this Season
Everyone knows that Halloween is a holiday where neighborhoods go ramped. Children take over the roads in spooky costumes in hope of a night ending in pillowcases full of candy. …

Drunk Driving Penalties in Rhode Island

There are countless heartbreaking stories out there about losing a loved one due to the negligence of a drunk driver. Legislators in Rhode Island are taking note of the staggering number of deaths and injuries that result from drunk …

Rhode Island is Cracking Down on Drunk Driving

Drunk driving fatalities represented 36.9 % of all total traffic deaths this past year, which is a 14.3 % decrease from 2013. So far this year Rhode Island State Police have arrested 458 people for driving under the influence, …

Safety Tips for St. Patrick’s Day Driving

According to the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration, 40% of fatal car crashes during St. Patrick’s Day weekend 2013 involved drunk driving. That percentage jumped to 55% of fatal crashes in the deadly hours between midnight of St. Patrick’s …

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