RLA Turkey Day

National Day of Giving

Thanksgiving is a perfect time to reflect on all that we are thankful for. With all the festivities, family, and food, it’s easy to forget the millions of people who struggle to provide this for their families. On this …

Rob Levine Delivers 250 Turkey Dinners to Families in Need

the fifth consecutive year, Rob Levine & Associates is embracing their
tradition of giving back during the Thanksgiving season. What began with the
adoption of 25 families in 2015 has grown tenfold in its giving to 250
families. This year, Thanksgiving dinners …

Giving Tuesday: RLA Turkey Day 2019 Recap

Today is Giving Tuesday, an annual movement that promotes charitable giving on the first Tuesday following Thanksgiving. Every year, people around the world are encouraged to give back to those in need by donating to local charities.

At Rob
Levine …

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