veterans disability benefits

PTSD Awareness Month

June is National Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD) Awareness Month. There are many preconceived notions associated with PTSD. However, the goal of this month is to raise awareness, share knowledge, and show support to those struggling with PTSD.

Symptoms of PTSD …

PTSD Claims Related to Military Sexual Trauma (MST)

Winning any VA disability claim can be a daunting task. But veterans with PTSD related to Military Sexual Trauma (MST) usually face a difficult uphill battle for one important reason: Sexual trauma is rarely reported in service, often because …

Veterans Disability Benefits & Mental Health

As a result of their military service, many veterans experience mental illness or struggle with Traumatic Brain Injuries (TBI).  At Rob Levine & Associates, we are committed to honoring their sacrifice by helping veterans navigate the VA disability system …

Veteran Disability Claims- Frequently Asked Questions

Have you or a loved one been injured while serving in the military? If you are a veteran that was injured from your service, you may qualify for compensation through the Department of Veterans Affairs (VA). The claim process …

Veterans Benefits Denial

The past ten years have shed light on the faults in the U.S. Department of Veterans Affairs. As of 2014, the Veterans Health Administration was in the spotlight for multiple accounts of case negligence for the United States military …

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