
Bike Safety

Riding a bike is a favorite summer pastime for both kids and adults.  There are many benefits to riding a bike such as relieving stress, increased muscle strength, and improved posture and coordination. While riding a bike is fun …

UV Safety Month- Summer Safety Tips

Summer is in full swing. The weather is steamy, the sun is hot, and many people are taking advantage of the season by spending time outdoors. With an increase of time outside comes more exposure to harmful Ultra-Violet (UV) …

The Importance of Boating Safety: Summer Safety Tips

Boating Tips for Summer Safety 
Now that it is summer there are plenty of fun and exciting outdoor activities to take part in such as biking, hiking, and water sports. Many aquatic activities include the use of a boat, which …

Slip and Fall Accidents

“Slip and fall” is a term used for a personal injury case in which a person slips or trips and is injured on someone else’s property. There are many dangerous conditions like torn carpeting, changes in flooring, poor lighting, …

Advancements in Road Safety- Autonomous Cars

Technology is becoming more advanced and more luxurious than ever before. Recent innovations in the transportation industry are allowing cars to drive and even park themselves. This can be concerning to drivers; however, companies producing these vehicles are taking …

Water Safety- Swim Safe, Swim Happy

With warm weather approaching, pools and beaches are now open to the public. The summer weather brings many fun activities, especially ones in the water. While having some fun in the sun it is important to take the necessary …

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