personal injury attorney

Car Accidents With No Insurance

What is Car Insurance For?
Most states require residents to have car insurance. Virginia, South Carolina, Tennessee, New Hampshire and Wisconsin are the only states that do not explicitly require car insurance. However, these states do require proof of financial …

Establishing Liability: Premises Liability Claim

A premises liability injury is a type of personal injury that occurs from the negligence of someone else while on the owner’s property. However, this does not mean if you injured on someone’s property that the owner was negligent. …

Defining Negligence After Being Rear-Ended

Distracted driving is one of the leading causes of car accidents, including rear-end collisions. With an automobile accident, the plaintiff must prove that the defendant was negligent during the event. Being rear-ended can happen in many different situations but …

Gun Legislation in Rhode Island

Rhode Island is considered one of the strictest states on gun control according to the Law Center to Prevent Gun Violence. The Law Center has a gun law state scorecard that evaluates each state on the laws in place …

Proposed Child Safety Bill

Rhode Island legislators are currently considering a handful of child safety laws that will require a certain amount of supervision in different instances. One very real issue is that children have suffered from heat stroke and even died as …

Motorcycle Tips for Spring Time

As daylight savings time begins the weather is also changing to spring. Over the next couple of weeks, motorcycle owners will bring their bikes out of storage and want to get out on the roads to enjoy the warmer …

Update on Handheld Cellphone Ban

This is an update on last week’s blog, regarding a bill to ban the use of handheld cellphones while driving in the state of Rhode Island. The bill passed in the Senate this week with a vote of 35-2. …

Proposed Law to Increase Regulation on Drones

Currently, there are two prominent views on drone regulation. Some believe that if the drone industry is overly regulated, it will slow down and discourage the future impact drones could have on the economy and technological advances for Rhode …

Rhode Island Infrastructure

In 2014, the residents of Rhode Island voted to approve the $35 million bond to pay for “enhancements and renovations to mass transit hub infrastructure throughout the state,” which was expected to include the Providence train station. Currently there …

Road Conditions in Rhode Island

Rhode Island’s Infrastructure
Rhode Island residents are the most dissatisfied with their road conditions, compared to all other states. Earlier this month, Governor Raimondo signed a bill to have tolls specifically for large trucks in order to combat the wear …

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