Even the best drivers get into motor vehicle accidents. If you are involved in a car accident caused by someone else’s negligence, follow these steps to protect yourself:
Step 1: Dial 911
No matter how minor the motor vehicle accident, you want the police to arrive and make a report. Do not leave the scene until the police arrive.
If you or another person is injured, make sure the injured party does not move until emergency services arrives.
Step 2: Document the Accident
You should only document the accident if you are not injured. If you are injured, stay put and wait for medical professionals to arrive and examine you.
If you are not injured, document the accident by getting out of your car and taking pictures of the scene. Take pictures of the damage to your vehicle, the damage to the other vehicles, the placement of both cars, the overall scene of the accident, and license plates.
Step 3: Exchange Information with the Other Drivers
When exchanging insurance and contact information with the other drivers, make sure to record the interaction on your phone or other video recording device. Rhode Island is a one-party consent state, which means you are legally allowed to record an in-person communication as long as you participate in the conversation. This recording will help you in the case of the other driver telling the police or insurance companies a different story.
Step 4: Get Examined by a Medical Professional
It can take up to 72 hours for some injuries to appear. So even if you think you were not injured in the accident, you should be examined by a medical professional. They will either inform you that you are not injured or provide medical help and documentation in the case of finding an injury.
Step 5: Contact the Insurance Company
It’s time to contact the insurance company to file a claim. But before you do, make sure you know your rights and collect all documentation of the accident, including pictures and medical reports. Insurance companies are for-profit companies, so expect them to lie to you so they can keep the money that you deserve. Protect yourself by using the documentation you’ve collected and by calling an attorney for help.
Were you in a motor vehicle accident due to someone else’s negligence? The car accident attorneys at Rob Levine & Associates are ready to be your advocate. Contact us today for a free case evaluation.