An effective attorney can put you in a position to win your appeal the first time around, saving you years of disappointment and frustration. Veterans’ claims often get caught in a cycle of denial, appeal, remand, denial, appeal, remand, denial, appeal, remand, and so on. An experienced attorney can effectively present the law and the facts to the VA the first time around, which in many instances gets veterans their disability benefits faster.
When you choose our dedicated team of experts at Rob Levine Personal Injury Lawyers to represent you, we take an all-hands-on-deck approach to win your case. As part of our proven process, our team will:
- File your appeal with the VA;
- Construct a personalized evidence development plan tailored to each claim;
- Perform cutting-edge service record and medical research;
- Draft a comprehensive legal brief in support of your appeal; and
- Routinely follow up with you to provide an update on the status of your case.