Truck Accident Lawyer
Truck accidents are often catastrophic due to the size and weight of commercial trucks. Whether you’ve been hit by a semi, delivery truck, or a reckless driver on the road, a truck accident lawyer is essential to navigate the complexities of truck company insurance, liability, and your legal rights. Our legal team at Rob Levine Law can help.
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Last Updated:
March 20, 2025
Trucks are essential to the economy. They transport goods to and from and throughout New England, providing access to products from all corners of the country. Sadly, this convenience comes with a cost because dangerous trucks may be involved in devastating accidents. In fact, the IIHS (Insurance Institute for Highway Safety) reports that 4,136 people died in large truck crashes in 2018. The number of occupants who died was 51 percent higher than in 2009.
Trucking accidents involve commercial regulations for both the operator of the truck, the payload of the vehicle, and the maintenance of the truck. It is imperative if you are involved in a wreck with a truck that you contact a truck accident lawyer immediately. We need to have an accident reconstruction expert at the scene taking measurements, pictures, and doing diagrams before evidence is lost. Additionally, we will want to send a preservation of evidence letter to the defendant to ensure truck logs, maintenance records, and driver history is preserved.
The injuries sustained in a truck accident involving 18 wheelers, semi-trucks, tractor-trailers, flatbeds, tank trucks, delivery trucks, box trucks, and dump trucks are usually very serious and oftentimes result in a fatality. can be severe, recovering from the wreck can be a strenuous process, resulting in significant medical bills and long-term disabilities. Rob Levine Law handles truck accident cases in Providence, Boston, Fall River, New Haven, and Hartford as well as surrounding communities with offices conveniently located throughout Rhode Island, Massachusetts, and Connecticut.
Determining Liability in Your 18-wheeler Accident
One of the main obstacles in the attempt to recover compensation is determining who was at fault for the crash. The truth is many parties may be at fault for your accident. On the surface, it may seem obvious that the truck driver was responsible, but details of the accident may point to a variety of factors.
- In some cases, driver fatigue may have contributed to the wreck, in which case the driver could be liable. The truck may also have been maintained poorly, which could place liability on the truck’s manufacturer or even maintenance technicians who repaired the vehicle and created the defect or failed to correct it.
- Often times, liability can be placed on the driver’s employer, who could have hired an unqualified trucker or who could have incentivized the truck driver to break federal regulations and drive more hours than is legally permissible – such as encouraging driving more hours than required to meet strict and tight deadlines. Motor carriers can be held liable for their employees’ negligent actions, so even if the motor carrier company did not directly cause the accident, it still may be liable.
- Finally, a truck accident can occur as a result of unsecured equipment falling onto the road, in which case, the shipping company may be at fault.
Our Attorneys Recover All Damages
In the aftermath of a truck accident, the most obvious damages that result are the injuries you suffered, which can lead to significant medical bills. While it may be your goal to secure compensation for medical treatment, it is important not to overlook other damages.
For example, if you missed time at work due to injuries you sustained in the crash or suffering from PTSD, you could be awarded compensation. If you expect any long-term disabilities or scarring, you may recover applicable damages. Additionally, you could be compensated for pain and suffering related to the crash, future medical bills, or any other out-of-pocket costs you incurred because of your injuries, such as those needed for wheelchairs or crutches, additional pain medication, or other similar services.
A Truck Accident Lawyer Can Manage Your Claim
No matter the specifics of the case, a truck crash is a traumatic event. Even if it only leads to minor injuries, it can still leave a victim shaken and unready to pursue legal action.
You want an attorney on your side who will go to battle with the big corporation, fight for your rights, and hold the trucking corporation responsible for their actions and negligence. At Rob Levine Law, our truck accident attorneys understand the pain you are experiencing, which is why we are committed to helping secure compensation for your injuries as you rest and recover. We are familiar with the time limits available to victims in Providence, Boston, Fall River, Hartford, and New Haven and will file a claim and take care of other specifics in a timely fashion so you can get on with your life.
Truck Accident Causes – Driver Fatigue
Truck driver fatigue is one of the chief causes of truck accidents. Despite the announcement of the Federal Motor Carrier Safety regulations on driving hours, truck drivers, and their companies. A sleepy or fatigued truck driver is controlling an 80,000-pound metal “tank” at high speeds and could be endangering themselves or the other drivers around them. Studies routinely used in court show that fatigued drivers are less alert and have slower reaction times in emergency situations. Drivers who fall asleep at the wheel commonly cross over the centerline, force other cars off the road, or crash into vehicles from behind.
Federal law limits truckers to no more than 11 hours behind the wheel during one shift and requires drivers to rest for at least 10 hours between shifts. Truck drivers must keep a detailed account of their hours in their logbooks. These logbooks become crucial pieces of information in these cases, and we’ve seen instances where logbooks are falsified in order to hide evidence that could be damaging to the defense. Rob Levine Law knows how to prove that truck drivers ignored the regulations. We compare logbooks to data received from GPS tracking devices and the onboard “black box,” as well as truck stop receipts and other pertinent evidence.
Truck Driver Deadlines Causing Accidents
The last place you want to encounter a fatigued commercial truck driver is while driving on the highway. Commercial trucks can weigh up to 40 tons when fully loaded, so when a fatigued truck driver is behind the wheel, the likelihood of a major accident increases considerably—and the result could be catastrophic. Oftentimes these drivers are driving long routes while trying to meet unreasonable deadlines. Complying with tight company deadlines can create added stress for commercial truck drivers, resulting in risky behavior such as speeding and longer stretches of driving. Trucking companies profit from delivering the most amount of goods in the shortest amount of time, so they offer incentives and bonuses for the fastest delivery times. Drivers can sometimes feel pressured to push their limits too far.
Nationwide, as many as 25 percent of traffic fatalities in multi-vehicle accidents involve commercial trucks. The Federal Motor Carrier Safety Administration (FMCSA) has created specific guidelines for truck drivers and trucking companies to help prevent driver fatigue. The FMCSA currently limits how long a driver may be driving on the road without stopping for a rest. Despite these regulations, the driver is ultimately responsible for operating the truck safely.
Poor Truck Maintenance Causing Truck Accidents
Common sense and federal regulations dictate that 18-wheelers and other big trucks be inspected and maintained regularly to meet certain standards. Truck maintenance is expensive and pulls trucks off the road, causing corporate greed to sometimes trump public safety.
We work with top experts specializing in truck maintenance and repair to prove the negligence of a trucking company in the upkeep of the tractor or trailer for deficiencies such as:
- Bald tires and worn axles
- Worn brakes
- Broken headlights, tail lights, or trailer lights
- Missing mud flaps
- Broken trailer latches
- Cracked mirror or glass
- Ripped tarps and broken tie-downs
- Eroded reflective tape
Any of these maintenance issues can lead to an accident if the truck’s load shifts, drops freight, or leaves shredded tire treads in the roadway. Poor maintenance can cause the operator to drive erratically, such as suddenly stopping or swerving. Poor maintenance can also cause accidents if the driver can’t see his surroundings or if other motorists can’t see the truck.
Overweight or Improper Loading
Trucking companies try to make more money by overloading a truck or cutting corners on cargo loading regulations. When we investigate a truck accident, our experts reconstruct the crash and identify the potential loading causes of a big truck accident such as:
- Unsecured freight that fell from the truck
- Driver error (failure to judge stopping distance)
- Cargo that broke free in a crash and caused injury
- Worn or broken tarps and tie-downs
- Shifting freight that caused the truck to jackknife or tip over
- Overloading which increased braking distance
- Unbalanced loads that reduced maneuverability
- Improperly secured hazardous cargo
Big trucks are dangerous enough without compounding the dangers of unsafe loading practices. It sometimes requires extensive investigation and determination to get to the real cause of a big truck accident.
FAQs About Your Injury or Accident Case
What should I do after a car accident?
Your health should be your priority. See a healthcare professional and follow their orders. During the case, do not discuss the accident with the at-fault party’s insurance company, as this could unintentionally help build their case against you. Hiring an experienced personal injury attorney will help you navigate the process.
- Dial 911 and report the accident. Let them know if there are any injuries and always request a rescue if you are injured.
- Never move your vehicle prior to the police arriving.
- If you are able to exit your vehicle, take pictures of the accident scene from a distance so that you can see all of the vehicles involved and all of the vehicles in one picture. Then take close-up pictures of each vehicle involved. Make sure to include the damage, license plate of the vehicle, and a picture of the driver.
- If there is a witness to the accident, ask them to wait for the police to arrive so they can give a statement. If they cannot wait, ask if you can take a picture of their identification and then include a picture of them holding their identification that you can read.
- Once the police arrive, make a statement as to how the accident occurred. Ensure that the police talk to the witness and takes their statement as well. If the witness left prior to the police arrival, show the police officer a picture of the witness and their identification, making sure that, on the police report, they are noted as a witness that had to leave before his arrival.
- If you are injured, never refuse medical treatment by rescue personnel. Be transported by rescue to the nearest hospital to get medical treatment.
If the police are unable to respond and you or the other driver need to leave, you have two options:
- You and the other driver can agree to follow each other and meet at the police department to make a report.
- If you are not going to meet at the police department to make a report, you should exchange the following information to include a copy of their license, motor vehicle registration, insurance card, a picture of their license plate, and a picture of the other driver. Remember, you should have documented photos of the scene of the accident and damages to vehicles as well.
I’m not sure if I have a case.
Many personal injury cases are complex, so consider hiring a personal injury attorney like Rob Levine. We will do our best to investigate, obtain the facts, and help you understand your options. At Rob Levine Law, we do not charge for consultations.
What damages can I be compensated for?
If you are a victim of a bus accident, you are entitled to recover the same damages as any other personal injury case, to include: lost wages, medical bills, pain & suffering, property damage, out of pocket expenses, scarring, compensation for any permanent injury, and compensation for any future medical costs.
What happens if I do not feel pain at the scene of the accident?
You must see a healthcare professional right after your accident, whether or not you feel pain. Your body’s natural adrenaline will likely kick in, meaning your body is in initial shock. Once that wears off, you will be able to feel the effects of your injuries.
What is a personal injury case?
A personal injury case is when you have suffered harm as a result of another person or entity’s negligence. Negligence is defined as duty, breach, causation, and damages. Duty means that the defendant owed you a duty or care as a reasonably prudent person (RPP) under the circumstances in the shoes the defendant was in. Breach means that they violated the RPP standard and put you in a position of peril, having both actual or constructive notice as well as the opportunity to cure the defect. Causation is the link between their breach of the standard of care and the injury or damages that you have suffered. That link must be reasonably foreseeable and there should not be another intervening or superseding cause that caused your damages. Damages are the harm that you suffered directly caused by the defendant’s breach of the standard of care. If you meet those four elements, you have shown the defendant is negligent and you have a viable personal injury case.
What are the most common factors of truck accidents?
A collision between a commercial vehicle and a car could likely be caused by malfunctioning equipment on the truck, driver negligence, or negligence on behalf of the trucking company. There are also larger blind spots on commercial vehicles, which means they are unable to respond to certain hazards with the same reaction time as a car. Other factors could include:
- Excessive driving hours causing the truck driver to be driving to the point of exhaustion.
- Unrealistic schedules resulting in the driver taking unnecessary risks and driving at unnecessary speeds.
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Notable Case Results
Client was hit in Plainville MA. A truck pulling out of a side road did not stop, slamming the side of our car. The liability was disputed and the file had to go into litigation. Our attorneys were able to prove the truck was at fault and recover for out client who had neck and back pain.
Jefferson Blvd in Warwick, our client who was 7 months pregnant was side swipped by a truck. Client was rushed to Woman and Infants Hospital in Providence where client was monitored as she began contractions. She also was treated for body pain. Car was a total loss
A semi truck began backing on to Davisville Road in North Kingstown, it did not stop for traffic and backed into our clients vehicle. Our client was rushed to South County Hosptial with body pain and facial stitches.
Truck accident on Central Ave in Pawtucket Client was forced off the road when an 18-wheeler pulled onto a side street forcing the client to turn hard to avoid a forceful impact by the semi-tractor trailer and struck a telephone pole head-on. Client had significant and permanent injuries to his cervical spine including a surgery to repair the damage (C5-7 anterior cervical discectomy and fusion) in his neck. Prior to trial, the case settled for a significant sum and provided the client with life-changing settlement funds.
When I searched online for an attorney to handle my claim with the military I was lucky to find Rob Levine.
They have proven to be very knowledgeable in personal injury law and are willing to fight for you, as they did so very effectively. I am so glad they picked up the phone when I called and took my case. I really did appreciate their honesty and dedication to my case and the success we had.
James Hudson
Big shout out to Rob Levine & his Law firm family thx for everything you've done for me & my family.
Best firm for law services…. customer service is off the charts & they stay in touch with you though the whole process.
Cidalia de Oliveira
Thank you Rob, you and your team rock!
I have been a client of Rob Levines’ for 2 cases. Both cases, Rob’s talented, hard working, teams helped me win 🏆. I’m so happy and proud of all the people who helped me. I got really hurt, and they were there to listen, and support me. Thank you so much y’all.
Moe Adams
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