Personal Injury

What is the Camp Lejune Lawsuit?

Date Posted: October 16, 2020

At Rob Levine Law, we work every day on behalf of those who have fought and sacrificed so much for our great country – our veterans. As a former member of the National Guard, Rob Levine has a special appreciation for the dedication, commitment, and bravery that our servicemen and women display in all areas of military life and engagement. Long ago, high respect for veterans was instilled in him, and he made a personal commitment to give back to them in any way he could, which is why Rob Levine Law handles initial claims for free even if you win.

Our dedicated team is ready to handle your veterans disability appeals case whether or not we handled your initial claim.

Let Us Do the Work for You

Our Veterans Disability team uses an all-hands-on-deck approach to fight the VA on your behalf. When you choose Rob Levine Law, you receive a personalized experience from an experienced advocate with a proven track record of success.

Are you entitled to VA disability benefits? To qualify, you generally need the following:
• Eligible military service;
• Eligible military discharge; and
• A current disability related to your service.

Whether you have been recently denied benefits, have a pending appeal, or haven’t applied yet, contact us today for your free case evaluation!

Rob Levine Law

Serving Veterans Nationwide

Let Us Go to Work for Your Veterans Disability Benefits

As a former member of the Rhode Island National Guard, Rob Levine is committed to serving disabled veterans in their fight to obtain VA benefits. His team is committed to delivering personalized service grounded in integrity, grit, and a commitment to excellence – all values instilled in Rob by the National Guard.

Rob Levine Law serves veterans nationwide filing their initial claim at no cost as well as their VA disability compensation appeals. Our practice involves representation before the VA Regional Office and the Board of Veterans Appeals in Washington, D.C. The attorneys at Rob Levine have years of experience and are fully accredited by the Department of Veterans Affairs.

You’ve seen enough battles. Now let us fight for you.

Veterans who are represented obtain their disability benefits FASTER and receive MORE benefits than veterans who go through this process alone. When you choose our dedicated team at Rob Levine & Associates, we take an all-hands-on-deck approach to fight the VA and win your case. As part of our proven process, our team will:

  • File your appeal and initial claims with the VA;
  • Construct a personal evidence development plan tailored to each claim;
  • Perform cutting-edge service record and medical research;
  • Draft a comprehensive legal brief in support of your appeal; and
  • Routinely follow up with you to provide an update on the status of your case.

Contact us today for your free case evaluation. Our expert attorneys know how to slash through the VA bureaucracy and make sure you get the WIN.

Fighting the VA for Your Benefits

The VA often unfairly denies service connection for a disability related to a veteran’s service. Even after finally establishing benefits, the VA can assign a rating or effective date that is less than you deserve.

Rob Levine & Associates has the expert knowledge and experience to cut through VA’s red tape and win your case. We know the ins and outs of the VA’s system, and can get you more benefits, faster, and with more back pay. Contact us today for your free case evaluation.


FAQs About Your VA Disability Claim

Can I receive VA disability compensation and continue to work?

In the Social Security disability system, in order to receive benefits, the standard is, “you are not capable of any form of gainful employment.” Unlike Social Security Disability, you can work while receiving VA disability compensation. Your VA disability benefits is based on how your service-connected disabilities impact your ability to work.

Social Security Disability Income (SSDI) does not have a barrier to net worth or income provisions. Regardless of the home, the vehicle you own, or investments you’ve made – or alimony or pension from previous employment, this would not prohibit you from receiving SSDI. Similarly, this would not prohibit you from qualifying and receiving VA disability benefits. Even if you were to qualify for a 100% TDIU rating, you would still qualify for SSDI benefits either under the SSDI guidelines or the VA Disability guidelines.

The average length of time to adjudicate any claim or appeal depends on many factors, including the type of appeal or claim, the Regional Office, the number of disabilities to decide, any necessary development, and the overall complexity of the case. Cases in the VA’s legacy appeal system can take years. In contrast, the VA has set the following timeliness goal for adjudicating AMA appeals:

  • Supplemental Claims: within 125 days
  • Higher Level Review: within 125 days
  • Board of Veterans’ Appeals – Direct Review Docket: within 365 days
  • Board of Veterans’ Appeals – Evidence and Hearing Docket: over 365 days

No, the VA does not require you to hire a lawyer for your appeal. However, remember that the VA also unfairly denied your benefits. Statistics show that veterans with representation receive more benefits, faster. The Veterans Disability attorneys at Rob Levine Law know the law as well as the ins and outs of the VA system. When you combine an experienced, knowledgeable Veterans Disability attorney with a veteran who can assist by explaining the details of the facts of a case, there is no better team to help you get the disability benefits that you deserve.

Yes, if there are mitigating circumstances (like mental illness or TBI) that explain the conduct that resulted in the less-than-honorable discharge. These types of cases can often last years without an experienced representative who can overcome VA’s negative assessment of your military discharge. Learn more about the Character of Discharge Determination process here.

An effective attorney can put you in a position to win your appeal the first time around, saving you years of disappointment and frustration. Veterans’ claims often get caught in a cycle of denial, appeal, remand, denial, appeal, remand, denial, appeal, remand, and so on. An experienced attorney can effectively present the law and the facts to the VA the first time around, which in many instances gets veterans their disability benefits faster. When you choose our dedicated team of experts at Rob Levine Law to represent you, we take an all-hands-on-deck approach to win your case. As part of our proven process, our team will:

  • File your appeal with the VA;
  • Construct a personalized evidence development plan tailored to each claim;
  • Perform cutting-edge service record and medical research;
  • Draft a comprehensive legal brief in support of your appeal; and
  • Routinely follow up with you to provide an update on the status of your case.


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