Treatment for Multiple Sclerosis

Treatment for Multiple Sclerosis

Multiple sclerosis (MS) is a condition in which the body’s own immune system begins to harm itself, ultimately affecting transmission of nerve signals. While the causes of MS are not fully understood, many different treatments exist that allow patients to live full lives. Social Security disability can help provide resources for those diagnosed with this condition.

Treatment of MS Partly Dependent on Symptoms

MS occurs when the body’s immune system begins to destroy its own nerve and brain cells. Immune cells attack the myelin sheath of these cells, inhibiting the transmission of nerve signals. According to the National Multiple Sclerosis Society, some symptoms of MS include: 

  • fatigue;
  • pain;
  • difficulty walking;
  • muscle weakness or stiffness;
  • numbness and tingling;
  • impaired coordination;
  • vision problems;
  • cognitive changes;
  • depression;
  • urinary and bowel malfunction; and
  • sexual problems. 


The symptoms vary from patient to patient and may change with time. Some experience relatively few symptoms, while others experience many symptoms, according to the National MS Society. Symptoms may partially dictate the type of treatment that doctors recommend to treat MS.

Medication to Treat Multiple Sclerosis

While there are no known cures for MS, many different treatments can help manage the disease. In fact, people suffering from MS can live a full and normal life. Patients should follow the treatment plan their doctors develop to manage the disease.

Doctors may prescribe medication to slow disease progression, treat relapses and treat the symptoms of MS. There are currently 10 FDA-approved medications that doctors may prescribe to slow disease progression.

Other medication like Solu-Medrol, Deltasone and HP Acthar Gel can help manage relapses. Among the different types of residual symptoms for which doctors may prescribe medication are bladder problems, depression, pain, spasticity, tremors and sexual problems.

Other MS Treatments

Besides the medications, there are other treatments that can help MS patients live a fuller life, which also depend on the effects of the disease. Physical therapy, speech therapy and occupational therapy can help patients develop strength in their muscles and mouth. This may help overcome limitations the disease places on their bodies. Home modifications can also make living easier for MS patients. There are different support groups that can teach patients strategies for coping with the disease as well.

Legal Ways to Help with Multiple Sclerosis

If MS symptoms interfere with the patient’s ability to perform job duties, he or she can apply for Social Security disability benefits. To qualify for disability, the claimant must meet defined listing requirements, argue that the condition is the equivalent to a listing, or provide evidence that he or she cannot perform any job. Social Security provides monthly cash benefit for disabled individuals and can provide public healthcare as well.

Talk to a Social Security disability lawyer about your condition and eligibility for disability benefits. A lot of claims are initially denied, but applicants may appeal the initial denial. Rob Levine & Associates handle Social Security disability cases for those in Rhode Island, Massachusetts and Connecticut. Contact our office at 866-LAW-SSDI (529-7734) to set up a consultation.

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